


How does water help you maintain a healthy heart?

Water Help You Maintain A Healthy Heart

Fun fact: When you get thirsty, you are already dehydrated hence the feeling to drink water. This colourless, odourless fluid makes up at least 60 percent of the adult body and is essential to the body to function optimally. By drinking water, you are doing your heart a great service. The heart pumps 1500 to 2000 […]

Sodium and our health. What we need to know.


Sodium is not one of the minerals that the body needs in large amounts. The body needs very little of it. The body needs less than 2300mg of sodium a day to function well. In reality keeping, this limit is very difficult. Sodium attracts and retains water. This increases the volume of blood and makes […]

Domestic violence could cause more than a heartbreak!

Human Heart

Domestic violence could cause more than a heartbreak! One in three women in the world have experienced violence from an intimate partner- a husband or boyfriend.  Domestic violence is usually associated with acute emotional trauma that can be described as that crushing feeling of heartbreak! This feeling can actually linger for a long time. Unfortunately, […]

The real causes of poor cardiovascular health


What are Social Determinants of Health? When it comes to health and well-being, only a few people understand it is more than medical conditions. There are a range of factors that influence health status aside from the direct cause of the medical condition or the medical care needed. At the heart of our health, lies […]